
ISM antenna

ANT-868 is an antenna designed to work with the ABAX wireless system modules. It is delivered e.g. as part of equipment for the INTEGRA 128-WRL control panel. The antenna comes with a standard SMA connector, so it can be also used in other devices provided with such a connector and operating at 868 MHz frequency.

The antenna is characterized by small dimensions: length 130 mm and diameter 10.5 mm. ANT-868 can be mounted in SATEL plastic enclosures, which have special a place for installation of such devices.

The actual appearance of the products may differ from the presented images. Product descriptions are provided in the web service for information purposes only.

Technical Data

Operating frequency
868 Mhz MHz
Operating temperature range
50 Ohm
< 2.0
Return loss for 868 MHz
-24.2 dB

Information materials


4technical data

5product data sheet